Our Farms & Mills
Through ownership and partnership, we are currently operating a total of four mills in Guji, Sidama, Yirgacheffe and West Arsi. Coffee is all about location, and we carefully select locations that are known for producing super quality coffees. Fresh Lulo is collected from farmers surrounding our mills and processed using the washed, honey, natural and other experimental processing methods with strict adherence to the specialty coffee quality standards.
Mill Name: Lulo – Idedo
Region: Idedo Yirgacheffe
Altitude: 2050 masl
Number of Bags: 400
Process Method: New Natural
Located in the SNNPR State, it’s surrounded by Guji on all side but one which borders the Sidama State. The Gedeo Zone which is one of the most densely populated area in Africa is home to the Gedeo people. It has eight Woredas… Read More
Mill Name: Lulo – Cheri
Region: Cheri Sidama
Altitude: 2100 masl
Number of Bags: 350
Process Method: Washed
Sidama is youngest state in the country, and before it was granted a statehood it used to be one of the zones in the SNNPR states. It is home to the Sidama people who speak the Sidama language… Read More
Mill Name: Lulo – Buleye
Region: Hambella Guji
Altitude: 2120 masl
Number of Bags: 1280
Process Method: New Natural
Guji, home to the Guji Oromo people, produce some of the most exquisite coffee. Unfortunately , it has not gotten its name recognition until recently; because, the coffees from Guji used to be sold as Sidama type coffee in the early days and as Yirgacheffe type recently… Read More
West Arsi
Mill Name: Lulo – Nensebo
Region: Nensebo West Arsi
Altitude: 2020 masl
Number of Bags: 640
Process Method: New Natural
Arsi (both east and west) is known for producing most of the country’s cereals. Nensebo woreda is the only coffee processing Woreda in the entire Arsi. It’s located in west Arsi bordering Cheri Woreda in North east Sidama… Read More
Located in the SNNPR State, it’s surrounded by Guji on all side but one which borders the Sidama State. The Gedeo Zone which is one of the most densely populated area in Africa is home to the Gedeo people. It has eight Woredas
1. Bule woreda
2. Chorso Woreda
3. Dilla zuria Woreda (Andida, Chichu
4. Gedeb Woreda ( Chelchele, Gotiti, Hallo Beriti, Chelbesa…)
5. Kochere Woreda
6. Repe Woreda
7. Yirgacheffe Woreda (Aricha, Dumorso, Idedo, Konga…)
8. Wonago Woreda
And four city administrations
- The city of Chelelektu
- The city of Dilla(the biggest city and the administrative capital of the zone)
- The city of Gedeb
- The city of Yirgacheffe
As you may have recognized it already, the famous Yirgacheffe is located in Gedeo Zone and giving the label Yirgacheffe Coffee to all coffees coming out from the Zone and some bordering Woredas in the neighboring Guji. All Woredas in Gedeo Zone produce coffee, but Yirgacheffe and Gedeb Woredas produce some of the most exceptional coffees in the world.
Sidama is youngest state in the country, and before it was granted a statehood it used to be one of the Zones in the SNNPR states. It is home to the Sidama people who speak the Sidama language. Prior to the restructuring of the country’s provinces after the fall of the communist government, the entire Guji, Gedeo, and Sidama areas used to be called the Sidamo Province and the coffees within used to be labeled as Sidama type coffee. We can still find some coffees from outside Sidama labeled as Sidama type Coffees.
All Woredas in Sidama are coffee producing, and some of the most recognized are Bensa, Cheri, Dara, Arbegona, Aleta Wondo…etc
Guji, home to the Guji Oromo people, produce some of the most exquisite coffee. Unfortunately , it has not gotten its name recognition until recently; because, the coffees from Guji used to be sold as Sidama type coffee in the early days and as Yirgacheffe type recently. Guji is a very large area; even larger than some of the states in the country. Recently, it was divided into two Zones to make it practical for administration, West Guji Zone and Guji zone.
Some of the most known coffee growing Woredas in West Guji are
1. Hambella Woreda ( Buleye, Benti Nenka, Deri, Boku Abele…etc
2. Kercha Woreda
3. Gelana Woreda (Yirgacheffe Type)
4. Abaya Woreda (Yirgacheffe Type)
And some of the most recognized coffee growing Woredas in Guji zone are
1. Shakiso Woreda
2. Uraga Solomo Woreda
West Arsi
Arsi (both east and west) is known for producing most of the country’s cereals. Nensebo Woreda is the only coffee producing Woreda in the entire Arsi. It’s located in West Arsi bordering Cheri Woreda in North east Sidama. It’s climate and topography is similar to the highlands of Guji and Sidama. The name Nensebo and West Arsi has been unfamiliar to most coffee buyers until the coffees from nensebo did amazingly very well on the 2020 and 2021 COE Ethiopia competition.